PNS Private Industrial Training Institute managed by PNS Educational Trust is a sure success destination for trainees who want to excel in the present industrial scenario in the country.
Technical Education has been the backbone of the industries and it continues to be so. PNS Private ITI was established in the year 2007 with the aim of providing skilled craftsman to the Industries as per requirement and also to provide self-employment opportunities to educated youth by Industrial Training Programs & seminars. Industrial Training Education is lighting up and Stretching its Wings .One should not be complacent after accomplishing standing at the pedestal of a simple education rather should try to become expert in technical field also.
I promise this institute continuously strives for constant up-gradation by factory visit, seminars, faculty interaction with the industry and continuous training of the faculties are regular features. Institute provides also vibrant environment for developing other skills such as sports, social services which help the trainees to be a better citizen.
I hope that all of you will have strong determination, dedication, devotion and discipline view to uplift
the institution.
Prof.(Er.) Maheswar Sahoo